SpongeBob Universe Digital Display Ads

When landing on nick.com, consumers are pulled in by the bright orange background of this art and the fun character poses from each of the splat portals. Highlighting the SpongeBob Squarepants series, The SpongeBob Movie, and Kamp Koral, this marketing campaign was aimed to push subscriber numbers on Paramount+ letting everyone know that Paramount+ is the place to be for all things SpongeBob. Some early results for the campaign showed subscription numbers up 25%, along with streams being up 14%. This brought the SpongeBob Universe to the #1 spot for engagement across all of Paramount+.
Art Director/Design | John Kutlu
Lead Designer | Caroline Mathews
Designer | Allison Novella
Senior Art Director | Katrina Cheban
Design Director | Jane Trieu
Graphics Manager | Dai Delija
VP Brand Design | Sandy Goijburg
Project Management | Angela Gianforcaro, Alison Chilton
Property of Viacom Inc.